Key Excerpts from Afghanistan War: Containing or Leverging U.S. Power?

To view Ann Coulter’s two minute key argument, click here: Coulter Key Argument

To view her entire speech, click here: Coulter Entire Argument

To view a clip of Grover Norquist’s key argument click here: Norquist Key Argument

To view Grover Norquist’s entire speech click here: Norquist Entire Argument

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One Response to Key Excerpts from Afghanistan War: Containing or Leverging U.S. Power?

  1. Kelinci says:

    Here is a group that is actually doing stuff on the grnuod, not waiting for 2012. It wasn’t done by people sitting at their computers whining about the Dems.In case you don’t know, Russell Pearce is the President of the Arizona State Senate, the author of the infamous SB1070, the prime reason Arizona funds public education at a rate less than Guam, cuts health services to the point people literally die, pays unemployment compensation at the lowest rate except Mississippi, and even turned down $100 million of federal money to extend unemployment benefits. Etc.With active racists in charge, Arizona is far worse off than Minnesota by light years.on Friday morning July 8, 2011 the Maricopa County Recorder forwarded the Recall Russell Pearce petitions to the Arizona Secretary of State with signatures “equal to or in excess of the 7,756 minimum required.”On Friday afternoon, July 8, 2011, the Secretary of State dispatched three letters:One to the Governor stating, “the recall committee, Citizens for a Better Arizona, has met the signature requirements.”One to Chad Snow, Chairman of Citizens for a Better Arizona, stating, “The petition therefore qualifies to be placed on the ballot.”And one to Senator Pearce stating that “the recall petitions circulated by Citizens for a Better Arizona have been certified to contain more than the minimum number of signatures to qualify,” and that the Senator has, “the right to resign by filing a written notice within five daysThere have been over 1,000 men and women who have served in the Arizona State Legislature. Russell Pearce, in our 100th year, is the first ever to be recalled. Senator Pearce is also the only State Senate President to be recalled in the 235 years of the United States.This step by the Secretary of State is historic, and each step from now forward will be historic firsts. The Governor will call the election for November 8, 2011 unless Senator Pearce resigns by next Friday.This is the way to change things for the better.

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