Morning Cup of Get Out of Afghanistan
Will Keola Thomas – Afghanistan Study Group
Washington finally appears to be coming to the conclusion that the American public did months ago: people are tired of the war in Afghanistan and don’t know why we’re sacrificing American lives and dollars there. But those on Capitol Hill and in the White House with the power to act on that knowledge aren’t discussing their conclusions openly.
An exception, is the following must-watch discussion from yesterday’s Morning Joe with Scarborough, Chuck Todd, and Tom Brokaw all questioning the value of putting our soldier’s in harm’s way:
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Joe’s been on the case for a while. If you missed it, last week Scarborough hosted another important discussion following Secretary Gates’ revelation that the war in Afghanistan is just plain crazy. (Preview of Scarborough not pulling punches: “These are unwinnable wars. The president knows it. The Secretary of Defense knows it. The Republicans who are pushing to stay there longer know it…It’s disgusting.”)
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