The Taliban is a group of religious fanatics who can never be appeased through negotiations.

All societies contain some extremists who cannot be appeased, but they usually represent tiny minorities. Many factions within the Taliban have already shown a willingness to negotiate. They may be won over by proposals that will give them a share of political power, greater local autonomy, and the prospect of economic gain. The Taliban is not a unified movement but instead a label that is applied to many armed groups and individuals that are only loosely aligned and do not necessarily have a fondness for the fundamentalist ideology of the most prominent Taliban leaders. Participants also include a long list of tribal chiefs, militia leaders, and warlords, many of whom (including the Haqqani and Hekmatyar organizations) are a living legacy of the insurgency against the Soviets.

One Response to The Taliban is a group of religious fanatics who can never be appeased through negotiations.

  1. Dr. Noorulamin says:


    I just can’t understand that the people of Afghanistan are fighting for their freedom from foreign invasion, however u can call them Taliban(broadly seeker of religion). There shall be disturbances when America leaves due to zeal of power and the ideology of Islam to be practiced by them as before.
    I think their was no problem from Taliban before 9/11 or after America leaves. They are so miserable to find the peace and bread of the family.

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